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Citation: The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
EKP website in Slovenia: http://www.eu-skladi.si/
Name of the operation: Electronic Business RHI d.o.o.
Abbreviation for the Operation: E-commerce RHI d.o.o.
- Electronic exchange between partners
As a part of the first measure, we plan to set up a B2B portal to communicate with our international partners and educate our employees on how to use it. The B2B system will enable the systematic and electronic submission of subscriber’s orders and documents and their direct transfer to the system. This aims to optimize work time by reducing the amount of time spent reviewing orders / documentation at multiple ends while reducing the risk of human error. At the same time, we will also achieve a more transparent and cost-effective business with foreign clients. Such optimization will also increase our company’s efficiency.
- Digitization of performances at fairs
As part of this measure, we will join showrooms. Quality digital content will be prepared with presenting the company as a reliable and an internationally recognized partner. Subsequently, we will be able to further raise the company’s recognizability in foreign markets and gain the trust of our new partners. The value and brand recognition will also increase, which will have a positive impact on sales. We will also carry out necessary trainings on this activity.
- Websites for foreign markets
Based on a comprehensive study of the digital appearance of the company, we will establish a modern interactive website in several foreign languages. The site will be dynamic with clearly highlighted competencies in international markets and capacities (excellent partner logistics network) of the company. We will also set up digital channels and platforms (YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.). This is to further raise the recognizability of the company in foreign markets and gain the trust of new partners, thereby enhancing brand value and sales success. Within this measure, we plan to educate and train employees related to this activity.
- Product Sales Video
A script will be written and a video produced in at least 2 languages, with subtitles for foreign markets, where we will introduce ourselves as a reliable and internationally recognized partner. We will also clearly demonstrate our capabilities and invite potential partners to work with us. The video will be used on the website, YouTube, Facebook, on mail signatures and partner presentations. This will contribute to the reputation and recognizability of the company, which will indirectly affect sales.
- Competency building – training
Trainings and workshops will be held to strengthen our competencies in new markets during the digital transformation. These trainings will focus on concrete guidance on the use, editing and the customization of tools, marketing and digital communication, with the emphasis on new markets, the paperless business, adapting to new regulations, security and risks of digitalization. With the acquired competences we will obtain all the necessary knowledge and skills that will help to achieve the goals of other measures we take. We will make sure that new tools are used as efficiently as possible to achieve the goals we’ve set.
Financial support:
The public tender for operations is partly financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The public tender for the selection of operations is carried out under the “Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020”, the priority axis “Increasing the international competitiveness of MSP”; priority investments “Development and implementation of new business models for MSP, especially in relation to internationalization”; the specific objective of “Increasing the international competitiveness of MSP”.
The results of this operation:
RHI’s vision is to continually expand into foreign markets, to be better and more competitive every day. We are aware that we can be competitive in foreign markets only through continuous progress, development and by following the latest trends, which certainly include the establishment and upgrading of e-commerce, which requires continuous adaptation of business and innovation in order to internationalize and integrate into global value chains more effectively.
By setting up and upgrading the e-commerce, we will strengthen our competitive position, present RHI as a serious and advanced provider that follows the modern guidelines of e-commerce and, consequently, increase the opportunity to expand into new markets and gain the trust of new subscribers.
Measure 1 (B2B), for example, will allow us to do business with our customers even more transparently and to receive inquiries/orders from companies in need of a transportation, more easily. The impact of the measure will also allow us to spend less time reviewing orders and documentation at multiple ends, which will have a positive impact on the overall business performance. Within the measure we will also carry out all the necessary education or training related to this activity.
The new website will help us to gain trust in the purchasing process phase (choosing a logistics partner), where we will leave the impression of a serious and reliable partner with years of experience regarding working with renowned business partners at home and abroad. A website in a foreign language will also help us to expand into foreign markets. Above all, we aim to have a website that we will be really proud of and we will also be happy to invite foreign partners to check out.
With the help of video content, we were able to present our company and our offer in a different and more modern way, thus be different and more visible, which will subsequently lead to higher recognizability and help us build an international credible brand.
With the measure “Strengthening competences and models of appearing in new markets during the digital transformation” we will acquire the necessary knowledge and competences in order to successfully integrate other measures into a logical and effective whole, thus maximizing the full benefits of the activities of the implemented measures.
The goal of all the measures implemented is to improve the efficiency of our business operations and thus prepare the company for the competitive struggle taking place in the logistics services market.
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